Welcome to the home of Celebri Te Akitas. Here you will be able to meet my beloved Akitas, 
GCH Buckridge's Showtime Celebri Te ROMX, CGC, TDI, AOM, CH Nakodo's Golden Globe Celebri Te ,TDI, CGC,
BISS GCH Celebri Te's Picture Perfect AOM, CH Celebri Te's Cover Girl, CH Deer Run's Migoto Hentou Hana,
Celebri Te's Million Dollar Baby, and some of my upcoming future stars! Come and see their accomplishments in the
show ring and see my future plans for them.  All of my Akitas are OFA-Hip & Eye Certified.

I am a proud member of the Akita Club of America and The Heart of Texas Akita Club.
I hope you enjoy your visit!


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                              •  Kelly Williams - Texas 


© Copyright 2006-2020 Celebri Te Akitas  •   All Rights Reserved.    Not Available for Reproduction.